Thursday, January 1, 2009

the idea for dustgun is a few years old. i was hopping to have it as a printed photography mag it never happened (or hasn't happened just yet). i still like the whole concept and the name and ideas very much. the original concept had other artists involved, the current form is a solo ride. trying to give it a new shape and start it as a blog is very interesting to me. hopping it will gain some momentum and develop into something special. new images will be posted daily.

1 comment:

  1. my brother.
    finally you show some of your talented work to other people.
    i like the idea of black and white pics. when do you return to film???
    plesae continiue your idea of ny moments.
    and don`t forget:
    its never too late for a happy childhood!
    love, your brother from another mother
